hello !

hi everybody ! so, on June , the 4°1 & 4°2 had a very good trip in england ! That's was a very nice week ! And, I'm sure you know , it was the Queen's diamond jubilee !!!So English partied !! I will tell you our trip ...

dimanche 17 juin 2012

the family

And during our trip  we slept and ate in somme family. We were 3,4 or 6 frenches in a family. In some one they ate with our. they spoke and played with our. And in the family we ate a lot of english things like jelly or peas and chiken or crumbles. that was very delicious but very strange sometimes !! And err... for the lunch , they made pack lunch with sandwiches , chips , and a fruit. Someones were in Stratford and someones in Shipstown . English people are very nice !!

1 commentaire:

  1. Congrats for your blog!It was fun reading it even if there are some mistakes..You've done a great job!
    Mrs P!
